EBMC On-Site Vendor Support
If you would like to become an EBMC on-site vendor or you are a current vendor in need of support please click the button below
Becoming an EBMC vendor is an easy two-step process:
EBMC utilizes VendorCafé, an online portal for vendors that provides cost-efficient, secure, and effective ways to process and manage your business with EBMC.
VENDORCafé provides our vendors with a cost-efficient, real-time, secure, and effective way to:
Electronically submit invoices directly through the online portal
View the status and payment details of all invoices
Complete Electronic W9
Update and change contact information
Update and change ACH/Electronic billing information
Electronic invoices eliminate the production and mailing costs of paper invoices and time spent tracking the location of missing payments or correcting errors. Ultimately, by using VendorCafé you save money and get paid faster!
Once activated, you will need to complete all required information fields related to your business. After all required fields are completed, reviewed, and submitted you will be invited to complete Step 2- VendorShield enrollment
EBMC requests all vendors that perform services onsite enroll in the VendoShield. VendorShield is a credentialing service that manages annual vendor background screenings, insurance compliance, license verifications, and other requirements needed to maintain an approved vendor status for EBMC-managed communities.
This program will help ensure that all vendors with whom we conduct business are accountable to the reputable business practices and insurance standards we have set forth. These standards and practices essentially minimize unwanted risk and, in turn, ensure that our clients and vendors have an overall better experience with our company.
VENDORShield allows our vendors more time to do their job by:
Working directly with your insurance agent to obtain the required insurance documentation.
Could provide potentially more work by becoming a compliant vendor and can be used for numerous properties, and other companies, within the system.
To complete the VendorShield enrollment your current insurance information and an annual fee of $100.00 (to be paid in VENDORCafé) needs to be processed. This annual fee goes directly to VendorShield to obtain and archive your W-9 forms, provide background screenings, and COI verifications and ensures that Eugene Burger Management Corporations' mandatory vendor insurance requirements have been met.
Tip - An annually updated certificate of insurance is required. VendorShield will not accept proof of insurance from anyone other than your agent. Contacting your agent(s) separately and asking them to respond to the certificate of insurance requests from VendorShield may expedite your compliance.